by convergency | Aug 6, 2008 | environment
I may get around to commenting on this soon, but the guardian seems to be doing a pretty good job at that – in the meantime here’s some video. I am hoping that there will be some daily video reports appearing, but I hear they are having trouble due to...
by convergency | Jul 1, 2008 | anthropology
You have probably seen this image. You may have even heard that it was a ‘hoax’ – especially if you read this article in The Observer by Peter Beaumont Well – it wasn’t a hoax, Peter got a bit confused with semantics and wrongly accused...
by convergency | Jun 25, 2008 | environment
I was directed to this video on Eating the Seasons blog tonight – if you have 45 mins to spare – do check it out. Very funny, thought provoking and eye opening cycle powered stand-up routine. I won’t say any more – here’s the link: Robert...
by convergency | Jun 18, 2008 | blogging
As you can see from the two posts I have actually published – I am suffering from what I have termed ‘draftitus’ – the symptoms are: At least 4 draft posts awaiting concluding and publishing A gap of at least 1 month since the last post Not...
by convergency | May 3, 2008 | open source
Have we stopped evolving? Only time will tell of course… but I don’t think so – I think we have started our own evolutionary track – call it ‘technology’. It remains to be seen whether we will continue to evolve physically, but I...
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