by convergency | Apr 26, 2009 | computers
A friend of mine dropped off her Compaq laptop the other day, apparently it had been running slow and a friend of hers came round and “did stuff” to “sort it” – unfortunately it didn’t go to plan, and instead of the system...
by convergency | Apr 22, 2009 | environment, farming, gardening, self-sufficiency
Bees pollinate a third of the food we eat. They are essential for farming and if we wanted to do the pollinating work ourselves – it would take a workforce of 30 million. And that’s just for food – bees also pollinate most wildflowers. In the United...
by convergency | Apr 8, 2009 | politics
Oh. My. God. I am still reeling at this. It would be bad enough if a protester was assaulted by police, but this was an innocent man who worked in the area being callously attacked by one of our boys in blue. He died approximately 3 minutes later. Despite the fact...
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